How do I become a tutor for a Grok competition?

If you are interested in Challenge tutoring, please email us at and we will let you know when applications for the next Challenge opens.

Each year the Challenge runs in February and July.  Each instance runs for 5 weeks.  You can apply for both, or just one or the other. 

New tutors will need to have their ID sighted by Grok staff, and all tutors will need a current Working With Children Check and to sign a tutoring agreement.  We will send you more information about this when you have applied.

Frequently asked questions - tutoring

What level of programming experience is required for tutoring?

We are looking for tutors with a background in computer science/programming.  Knowledge of Python is helpful as well as a desire to help children learn to code.   

What is the time commitment?

It is up to individual tutors how much time they invest – we don’t set a time.  However, we would recommend hour-long blocks, as it can take a little time to get going (although I realise doing this every day may not be feasible).

There are also peak times too – during the week between 9am-3pm is busiest especially on Mondays as that is when kids are at school, plus Sunday afternoon/evening as students try to finish the Challenges for the week. 

Some of our sponsors set times during or outside work hours and get staff to tutor together, other places just encourage their staff to login when they have a spare half hour.  

What is the deadline to sign up?

Tutors can sign up right until the Challenge starts (and for at least a week after it starts).   

When does tutoring start?

Tutors can start any time during the 5 weeks the Challenge runs.  If you find yourself busy and unable to tutor in the first couple of weeks, don’t worry there will still be plenty to do, and it is fine to jump during the later weeks. 

Is there a tutor briefing, and what if I can’t attend?

We run an online an online tutor briefing before the Challenge starts, and there will be a recording available after.  We also run Zoom sessions through the first week of the Challenge so you can try your first post with a Grokker.

Do I need a working with children check?

Yes. All tutors must complete a volunteer (or employee) NSW Working With Children Check or equivalent in your state or territory. In most jurisdictions you can apply online, but (like NSW) you may need to go into a government agency to confirm your identity etc. In NSW the process is quite fast, and the turnaround is usually within a couple of days.

Do tutors have to be based in Australia?

Yes, as it is difficult for us to verify working with children information from overseas.

Who the target audience for the NCSS Challenge ie what age are the students participating?

The Challenge is for students ranging from Year 3-Year 12.

Are students participating as schoolwork or on their own?

Both – some students choose to do the Challenge in their own time, but lots of schools compete in the Challenge as a class activity, or as an activity in their computer club or the like.

Are participants likely to have any coding experience or are most starting from scratch?

The Challenge has 4 streams – Newbies, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.  Most students taking part will be enrolled in Newbies or Beginners and will have little to no programming experience.